SORAC Journal of African Studies (SORAC JAS) is published by SORAC (Society of Research on African Cultures) at Montclair State University. SORAC JAS is a refereed journal intended as an opportunity for scholars to discuss subjects, theories and ideas pertaining to all areas of African Studies past, present and future, including all matters related to the African diaspora worldwide. SORAC JAS will appear on a yearly basis or every two-years depending on the circumstances.

Click the links below to view specific SORAC JAS informations, including volumes already published:

SORAC Journal of African Studies

Editorial Board

Managing Editors


Daniel M. Mengara
Montclair State University

Associate Editors

Leslie Wilson
Montclair State University

Editorial Board Members
Georges Agbango
Bloomsberg University
Buluda Itandala
Univ. of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Funwi Ayuninjam
Kentucky State University
Jeanne-Sara de Larquier
Central Michigan University
Mongi Bahloul
University of Sfax, Tunisia
Mutombo Nkulu
Temple University
John Conteh-Morgan
Ohio State University
Augustine Okereke
University of Bielefeld, Germany
Muyiwa Falaiye
University of Lagos, Nigeria
Karo Ogbinaka
University of Lagos, Nigeria
Wail Hassan
Western Illinois University
Valerie Orlando
Illinois Wesleyan University
Kristof Haavik
University of Botswana
David Pattison
University of Lincolnshire, U.K.

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The SORAC Journal of African Studies (SORAC JAS) is the material result of a once-upon-a-time desire by the Society of Research on African Cultures (SORAC) to launch its own journal of African studies as part of its contribution to a better understanding of Africa’s past, present and future through Africa-related scholarship and conferences.

The idea of launching the SORAC JAS became prominent among the SORAC Executive Board after the huge success of SORAC’s first international conference that saw some 140 speakers gather in Montclair State University in 1998 to discuss the “Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities.” The papers read at SORAC 1998 were so qualitative and informative that the organization decided to seek the publication of some of the best amongst them.

Two volumes were therefore produced as a result of the SORAC 1998 International Conference. Firstly, an edited book volume bearing the title of the conference (Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities) was produced and published by the Africa World Press. This book includes contributions by renowned scholars such as Martin Bernal, author of the highly-acclaimed and revolutionary Black Athena. Secondly, a special conference edition of the journal (our first volume) was published in April 2000.

We are looking forward to collaborating with you all, readers and scholars, in a way that will allow us to sustain this most valuable new tool in the SORAC arsenal of Africa-related endeavors.

General Information on the SORAC JAS

The SORAC Journal of African Studies (SORAC JAS) is published by SORAC (Society of Research on African Cultures) at Montclair State University.

The SORAC JAS is a refereed journal intended as an opportunity for scholars to discuss subjects, theories and ideas pertaining to all areas of African Studies past, present and future, including all matters related to the African diaspora worldwide.

The SORAC JAS seeks to appear at least twice a year. SORAC JAS invites submission of scholarly papers, responses, and reviews for consideration for publication. The SORAC JAS also welcomes notices, call for papers and advertising if the requestors will contribute a donation to the journal (see advertising notice below). Articles submitted to SORAC JAS are each reviewed by a three-member panel. Articles are accepted for publication only if recommended by two out of the three members of the review panel.

SORAC JAS will accept only articles submitted by mail on both a computer CD-ROM and paper. Three paper copies of the article must be submitted and should be no more than 25-pages long, double-spaced. All articles must conform to the recommendations of the MLA style manual. Articles submitted should contain only endnotes and a section of “Works Cited” at the end. Contact information (address, university affiliation, telephone, fax, and email) should be provided. It is imperative that authors provide email addresses. Send submissions to: Dr. Daniel Mengara, SORAC, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Montclair State University, 1 Normal Avenue, Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043, USA.

Guest editorship: From time to time SORAC JAS will implement a method of guest editorship, whereby each volume will feature two or three scholars who were instrumental to the production of the volume as guest editors. Only scholars who are current members of SORAC may apply to serve as guest editors. To do so, use our contact form.

Articles Selection Process

The SORAC Journal of African Studies will publish articles submitted by African studies scholars just like any other traditional African studies journal. Every article submitted for publication in this scholarly journal will be sent to a committee of three independent readers who are specialists of the specific field addressed by the article. The selection will be based on a dual system of both “blind” and “peer” review. The readers will not know whose article they are reading, and will therefore be able to render a fair and competent judgment of the pieces reviewed.An article will be accepted for publication only if at least two out of the three evaluators, after blind review, agree on the qualitative nature of the work submitted.

Articles Submission Process

In an ongoing way, SORAC accepts articles of a scholarly nature on all aspects of African Studies and related fields. Articles can be squarely on Africa or related to Africa in comparative fashion. Our definition of African studies comprises all aspects that pertain to continental Africa and its diasporas around the world.

  • Articles submitted to the SORAC JAS must not be longer than 25 pages double-spaced.
  • Articles must follow the MLA Style manual recommendations for presentation and format.
  • Articles must use endnotes (if any) and provide a list of “Work Cited” at the end.
  • Send three copies of your paper by mail.
  • Send also an electronic version in Microsoft Word format either via our contact form or a CD-ROM. Note that your article will not be considered if it does not provide both an electronic and paper version).
  • Make sure to clear any copyright issues that may arise with any pictures, maps and figures used in your article. We may delay publication of your article if it is determined that the article contains potentially copyrighted materials.

You may mail the paper and CD-ROM version of your article to:

Dr. Daniel Mengara
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Montclair State University
Normal Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07043

Readers / Reviewers

SORAC is seeking readers/reviewers in all areas of African Studies and related fields. These include specialists in diasporic studies (African American and Caribbean studies with an Africanist perspective, etc.), and Classics (specialists of Ancient Africa, Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Mediterranean as it relates to Africa).

To apply for a position of reader/reviewer in the “SORAC Journal of African Studies”, the candidate must submit:
  • a CV clearly showing evidence of the candidate’s scholarly achievements in his/her field(s) of competence.
  • a statement of his/her specific field(s) of competence (the African studies field(s) in which the candidate can scientifically and competently judge a scholarly work submitted by his/her peers). For instance: African literatures (French? English? Both?), Ancient Africa, Modern Politics, Oral Literatures, Religion, etc.).
  • a statement as to the candidate’s level of availability.
  • a return self-addressed envelope with appropriate postage for response by mail (if so desired)
  • include all necessary address and contact information (e-mail and/or fax recommended; free e-mail can be obtained from internet sites such as YAHOO, GOOGLE, HOTMAIL, etc.)

You may submit an electronic version of your application packet by email via our contact form (In Microsoft Word format), or you may submit your application packet by mail to:

Dr. Daniel Mengara
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Montclair State University
Normal Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07043

Editorial Board Application

SORAC seeks to gather a very international and interdisciplinary editorial board. About 20-30 positions are to be filled here. These include the managing editors (4-5) and the editorial board. This group will carry out the day-to-day duties of keeping the journal alive, and managing various aspects of its production.

To apply for a position in the editorial board of the “SORAC Journal of African Studies”, the candidate must submit:

  • a CV clearly showing evidence of the candidate’s scholarly achievements in his/her field(s) of competence.
  • a statement of his/her specific field(s) of competence (the African studies field(s) in which the candidate can scientifically and competently judge a scholarly work submitted by his/her peers). For instance: African literatures (French? English? Both?), Ancient Africa, Modern Politics, Oral Literatures, Religion, etc.).
  • a statement of how you can contribute to the production of the journal at the managerial level. This can included similar positions in other journals or institutions.
  • a statement as to your level of availability.
  • a return self-addressed envelope with appropriate postage for response by mail.
  • include all necessary address and contact information (e-mail and/or fax recommended; free e-mail can be obtained from internet sites such as YAHOO, HOTMAIL, etc.)

NOTE: Candidates should make sure that they can indeed carry out their duties before applying. Only truly committed candidates will be selected.

You may submit an electronic version of your application packet by email via our contact form (In Microsoft Word format), or you may submit your application packet by mail to:

Dr. Daniel Mengara
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
Montclair State University
Normal Avenue
Montclair, NJ 07043

Advertising in the SORAC JAS

It is possible to advertise books and other items as inserts in the SORAC JAS. Inserts can be in the form of full pages or half pages.Full-page inserts cost $200. Half-page inserts cost $125.For more information, please contact us.

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