SORAC 2002: Directions & Accommodations
Relatively inexpensive hotel accommodations is available close to campus. You may call or fax the following hotels to secure reservations. Call early to be sure to get some space.

SORAC 2002 Keynote Speakers: Ali Mazrui & George Ayittey
Ali A. Mazrui is Albert Schweitzer Professor in the Humanities and Director of the Institute of Global Cultural Studies at Binghamton University, SUNY. George B. N. Ayittey is Associate Professor of Economics at The American University, Washington, D.C, and a former National Fellow at the Hoover Institution.

SORAC African & Caribbean Film Festival 2002
The festival features nine movies from North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Its goal is to foster an enhanced understanding of Africa and its diaspora, African cultures, experiences and contributions to world civilization. Movies are projected in 16 mm or video format. March 25-April 5, 2002

Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities
Daniel M. Mengara, ed. Images of Africa: Stereotypes and Realities. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2001.
Images of Africa: Stereotypes & Realities is a book that offers rare and exceptional insights into the historical and cultural processes through which the various perceptions of Africa since ancient times came to crystallize themselves in the form of negative images and stereotypes of Africa. Contributors to this impressive volume include Molefi Asante, who wrote the preface, and Martin Bernal, world-renowned author of Black Athena.
Dance, Music and Myths of the African World
Sponsored by The Institute for the Humanities and SORAC (Society for Research on African Cultures) at Montclair State University, this mini-conference tackles themes as varied as African-American Cultural Expression as seen in the work of Alvin Ailey and Myths, Music and Dance of the African World. February 8, 2001.

SORAC JAS Volume 1 – Perceptions of Africa: Images, Visions & Revisions
This first volume of the SORAC JAS was inspired by articles from the SORAC 98 – Images of Africa: Stereotypes & Realities international Conference. It features 13 articles by Africanist scholars from the United States, France and Africa. Volume 1, April 2000..

SORAC 2000: “Black Thought and Movements in World History”
Call For Papers: The course of history has been deeply affected, even controlled, by the contributions in thought and deed of individual blacks (such as Martin Luther King, Steve Biko, Kwame Nkrumah, Marcus Garvey, Leopold S. Senghor, Aime Cesaire, Edward Blyden, Frederick Douglass, Malcom X, Patrice Lumumba, Frantz Fanon, Nelson Mandela, Cheick Anta Diop, etc.) as well as by movements and groups (such as Negritude, Pan-Africanism, Black Consciousness, Afrocentrism, Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, Harlem Renaissance, etc.) in Africa, the United States, the Caribbean, and other parts of the world. Too often, however, given a preconception that there is no truly black intellectualism, these individuals, movements, and groups have taken a place in history as mere names, actions, or events without an accompanying lasting understanding of their deeper philosophical, ideological, or historical significance. This conference calls for papers from all related fields (history, anthropology, literature, political science, etc.) that would help to examine the contributions by black individuals, movements, and groups of both the present and the past with a view to enhancing our understanding of their true philosophical and historical importance as well as their specific contributions to areas of creative and intellectual endeavor such as science, humanities, the arts, etc.
SORAC 2000: Conference Program & Schedule
SORAC 2000 International conference details, including program description, schedule, accommodation, etc. The conference features papers in diverse interdisciplinary fields — such as political science, philosophy and religion, literature, anthropology, etc. April 27, 28 & 29, 2000 – Keynote Speaker: Molefi Kete Asante.

SORAC 2000: Molefi Asante, Keynote Speaker
This page introduces the SORAC 2000 Keynote Speaker. Dr. Molefi Kete Asante is Professor, Department of African American Studies at Temple University, the premier center of graduate training in African American Studies. Considered by his peers to be one of the most distinguished contemporary scholars, Asante is the author or editor of 43 books, the latest being Ancient Egyptian Philosophers; Scream of Blood; The African American Atlas; The Afrocentric Idea; Malcolm X as Cultural Hero.
SORAC 2000 Opening Ceremony Speakers: George Ayittey and André Kapanga
This page introduces our participants and audiences to the SORAC 2000 Opening Ceremony Discussion Panel, with our special Guest Speakers adressing the community on the theme of “Why Have Our Leaders Failed Us?”